  • ÁªÏµÈË£º¶­ÏÈÉú
  • ÁªÏµµç»°£º137-10902965


ÎÄÕÂÀ´Ô´£ºhttp://www.iwuchen.com/  2012Äê07ÔÂ20ÈÕ  µã»÷Êý£º14701


Ò»£®  ½øÈë½à¾»ÊÒ¹æÔòEntrance Control:

1£® ½øÈë½à¾»ÊÒ±ØÐë´©¸É¾»µÄ°²È«Ð¬²¢Ì×ÉÏЬÌ×,´÷°²È«Ã±¡£Clean safety shoes with shoe cover and helmet are required in the clean stage.(200 RMB)

2£® ÈËԱƾ½à¾»ÊÒÐØ¿¨´ÓÖ¸¶¨µÄ¸ôÀëÇø½ø³ö£¬ÑϽû´Ó·â±ÕÃÅ»òÆäËûµØ·½½ø³ö¡£All person shall not enter or exit from closed door or other location except designated air lock room.(200 RMB)

3£® ÑϽûʹÓÃËûÈ˹¤×÷Ö¤½øÈëForbid entering with other worker badge.(200 RMB confiscate both badgesûÊÕÁ½È˹¤×÷Ö¤)

4£® ²ÄÁÏ¡¢Æ÷¾ß¾­¼ì²éÐí¿Éºó·½¿É´øÈë,ÇÒ²ÄÁÏ¡¢Æ÷¾ßÓ¦±£³ÖÇå½à¼°ÎÞÓÍÎÛ¡£Entrance control for materials, machines, tools shall be assured£¬these materials is clean and without oil stain.(200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

5£® ´øÈëδ¾­Ðí¿ÉµÄ¹¤¾ß»ò²ÄÁÏ¡£Bringing unapproved tools and materials. .(500 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

6£® ÎïÁϽø³ö±ØÐë×ßרÓÃͨµÀ¡£Material entry or exit form special materials entrance.(500 RMB)

7£® ¸ß¶È½à¾»½×¶Î£¬ÔڽྻÊÒÄÚÐèÒª´÷רÓõÄÊÖÌס£Cleanroom gloves are required in the ultra clean stage area.(500 RMB)

8£® ¸ß¶È½à¾»½×¶Î£¬½øÈë½à¾»ÊÒ¸÷ÇøÓò¶¼Ðè°´ÕÕ±ê×¼´©´÷½à¾»ºÃÊÒ·À»¤ÓÃÆ·¡£Clean working clothes are required in the ultra clean stage area.(500 RMB)


¶þ£®ÎÄÃ÷Ê©¹¤Cleanroom Housekeeping

   1£®FABÇøÓòÒª·ÅÖÃÀ¬»øÍ°ºÍÊÕ¼¯Ï乩´ó¼ÒʹÓá£Trash dumpsters or containers must be used in fab by all.

   2£®²ÄÁ϶ÀÁ¢°ü×°£¬²ÄÁϽøÈë½à¾»ÊÒÇ°±ØÐèÔÚÊÒÍâÖ¸¶¨µÄÇøÓò³ýÈ¥Íâ°ü×°£¬°ü×°ÏäÒª¼°Ê±Çå×ߣ¬¶ªÈëÀ¬»øÏäÖС£Materials for the interior of the building will arrive on site individually packed. Dirty materials shall be unpacked outside the building in a designated area. The outer box will be removed and disposed of into trash containers.(500-1000 RMB)

   3£®²ÄÁÏ´æ·ÅÓÚÖ¸¶¨ÇøÓò²¢¶Ñ·ÅÕûÆë,×öºÃ±êʶ¡£Orderly storage of material at designated area has to be assured during all stages of construction.(200 RMB)

   4£®½à¾»ÊÒ´òɨÎÀÉú²»¿ÉʹÓÃɨ°Ñ£¬ÒªÓÃÎü³¾Æ÷´òɨ£¨ÈÕ³£Çå½à£©¡£Vacuum cleaners have to be used to remove dust/rubbish; Brooms are not allowed(Daily housekeeping).(200 RMB)

5£®¹¤×÷ÖвúÉú·Û³¾µÄ×÷Òµ£¬Èç×ê¿×Òª¼°Ê±ÓÃÎü³¾Æ÷ÇåÀí¡£Vacuum cleaners have to be used to remove dust all time when carrying out dust working, such drilling.(200 RMB)

6.Çå½à×÷Òµ±ØÐë²ÉÓÃHEPA¹ýÂËÍøÎü³¾Æ÷¡£HEPA filter vacuum cleaners have to be used to doing housekeeping.(500 RMB)

7£®×÷ÒµÖвúÉúµÄÀ¬»øÒª¼°Ê±ÊÕ¼¯.All trash must be collected at any moment during work.(200-400 RMB)

8£®¹¤×÷Íê±ÏÒªÇåÀí×÷ÒµÇøÓò¡£Tidy your work area after work done.(200 RMB)

9£®ËùÓÐÀ¬»ø¼°±¨·Ï²ÄÁϱØÐèµ±Ìì³öÏÖ³¡. All trash and spent materials must be removed daily. .(200 RMB)

  10.±£³ÖÎïÆ·¶Ñ·ÅÕû½à¡£Tidy your storage area.(200 RMB)

11.³§·¿ÄÚ½ûÖ¹ÎüÑÌNo smoking allowed in clean room.(200 RMB)

12.½ûֹЯ´øÒûÁϺÍʳƷ¡£No food or beverages allowed in clean room.(200 RMB)

13.½ûֹС±ã»òÍÂ̵¡£Forbid urinating or spitting. (1000-200 RMB confiscate badgeûÊÕ¹¤×÷Ö¤)


Èý£®½à¾»ÊÒÄÚ×÷ÒµÒªÇóCleanroom Construction Requirement:

  1.½à¾»ÊÒÊ©¹¤ÐèÌáÇ°Ìá³öÊ©¹¤ÉêÇë,²¢²»µÃ¹ýÆÚʹÓá£No work without permit or expired permit.(1000 RMB)

2£®ÌÝ×ÓÓÈÆäÊÇ×÷ҵƽÃæÐè²ÁÊøɾ»²Å¿É½øÈë½à¾»ÊÒ¡£Wipe down ladder before entering clean area, especially working platform. .(200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

3£®×÷ҵƽ̨һµ©ÅªÔ࣬ҪÁ¢¼´ÇåÀí³ö½à¾»ÊÒ¡£Dirty platform must be removed form cleanroom. (200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

  4£®Î´ÓÍÆá¹ýµÄ¹Ü×ÓÐèÖÃÓڼܿյİå×ÓÉÏ£¬²»¿É·ÅÓÚµØÃæ¡£Unpainted sprinkle pipe on raise floor in cleanroom. .(200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

5£®²úÉúÎÛȾµÄ×÷Òµ£¨Èç×ê¿×¡¢´òÄ¥¡¢ÇиîµÈ£©±ØÐëÉêÇ룬µÃµ½Åú×¼£¬×öºÃ·À»¤´ëÊ©ºó·½¿É½øÐС£Dirty work not allowed without approved isolation. .(200-400RMB)

   6£®×÷ÒµÖвúÉúµÄÎÛȾÎï¡¢ËéƬҪÓÃÁÙʱ´îÉèµÄǽÃæ½øÐиôÀë¡£Temporary construction walls must be erected to isolate cleanroom from contamination generated during work. .(200-400 RMB)

   7£®ÔڽྻÊÒÄÚ²»ÄܽøÐÐÈκÎÇиî¼Ó¹¤¡£Forbid to do any cutting in cleanroom.(500 RMB)

   8£®¶¯»ð×÷ÒµÒª´îÉèÅï×Ó½øÐиôÀë¡£Booth must erect for welding or hot work.(200 RMB)

 9£®ÆøÆ¿ÓÃËÜÁÏ°ü¹ü£¬¹Ì¶¨·ÅÖá£Gas cylinder should wrap with plastic sheet. (200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

   10£®µçÏß¾øÔµ¼Ü¿Õ£¨ÖÁÉÙ2Ã×£©¡£Placing and isolating wires and cable on height. (At least2.0mheight)(200-400 RMB)

   11£®½ûÖ¹¶ÂÈûͨµÀ£¬Ëæʱ±£Ö¤Í¨µÀµÄ³©Í¨¡¢¸É¾»Õû½à¡£Keep the corridor clean and clear; do not obstruct the corridor.£¨200 RMB£©

   12£®·Ç½ô¼±Çé¿ö½ûÖ¹´ò¿ªÈκνô¼±½ø³öÃÅ¡£Forbid opening any emergency door except emergency.(200 RMB)

13.Ô¤ÖÆÆø¸î»òº¸½ÓÐèÔڽྻÊÒÍâÍê³É¡£Prefabrication shall complete outside of the cleanroom when using welding or cutting.(200 RMB)


ËÄ£®¹ÜµÀ°²È«Piping foothold

1£®¿ÉÒÔ³ÐÖصÄÖ»Óд־¶µÄ¾»»¯ÆøÌåºÍÒ»°ãÆøÌå²»Ðâ¸Ö¹ÜµÀºÍµçÏß²Û¡£Only Scrubbed/general exhaust ducting and electrical cable tray are sufficient strength for foothold.

2£®½ûÖ¹²È̤¡¢Åʸ½µÄ¹ÜµÀÓÐPVC¹Ü¡¢Ëܽº¹Ü¡¢Î£ÏÕ»¯Ñ§Æ·¹ÜµÀ¡¢Ï¸¾¶²»Ðâ¸ÖµÈ¹ÜµÀ¡£No step or pull PVC piping, plastic piping, hazardous chemical pipes, small stainless steel pipes, etc..(1000 RMB)

3£®²»¿É²ÈÔÚͨ·ç¹ýÂËÍøÉÏ¡£Do not step on FFU. (1000 RMB)


Î壮µØÃæ/ǽÃæ±£»¤Protection for ground and wall

   1£®Òƶ¯¼Ü×ÓµÄÂÖ×ÓºÍÆäËûʹÓõÄÂÖ×ÓÒªÓÃÐí¿ÉµÄ½º´ø²øºÃ£¬ÒÔ·ÀÖ¹µØÃæ»®ÉË¡£Scaffold wheels or any other wheels shall be wrapped with approved tape to protect ground.(500 RMB)

 2£®ÈË×ÖÌݵÄÖ§½ÅÒ²ÐèÒª¼Ó±£»¤Ìס£Note booties on ladder feet. .(200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

 3£®°ü¹üÂÖ×ӵĽº´øÈç¹ûŪÔàÒª¼°Ê±¸ü»»¡£Noted new cleanroom taped to wheels if it was dirty. .(200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

 4£®ÂÖ×ӵĽº´øÈç¹ûÆÆË𡢶ªÊ§ÒªÖØиü»»¡£Replaced a new cleanroom taped if it was lose or damaged. .(200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

5£®ÌÝ×Ó/Òƶ¯Æ½Ì¨·ÅÖõØÃæʱ,ÏÂÃæÒªÆ̱£»¤¸ï»òËÜÁϵ档Must lay floor protection vinyl sheet or plastic sheet below ladders or working platform.(200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

6£®Ê©¹¤ÇøÓò¡¢²ÄÁÏ¡¢¹¤¾ß·ÅÖõØÃæʱ£¬ÏÂÃæÐèÒªÆ̱£»¤¸ï»òËÜÁϵ档Lay floor protection vinyl sheet or plastic sheet below materials.(200 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)

  7£®×öºÃ·À»¤´ëÊ©£¬·ÀÖ¹ÓÍÎÛŪÔà½à¾»ÊҵĵØÃæ¡£Avoid oil stains on the floor due to the dirty work at cleanroom.(200 RMB)

8£®²»¿É·ÅÖÃÈκβÄÁÏ»ò¹¤¾ß¿¿½ü½à¾»ÊÒµÄǽÃ棬±ØÐë±£³ÖÒ»Ã×ÒÔÉϵļä¸ô¡£Do not lay any materials or tools next to cleanroom wall; Away cleanroom wall at least 1 meter.(200-400 RMB)

9.ʹÓù¤¾ß»ò²ÄÁÏ°áÔËʱ£¬¸ÃÎïÆ·±ØÐëÍêÈ«À뿪µØÃ棬²»×¼ÔÚµØÉÏÍÏÐС£Moving tools or materials must be off ground. .(400 RMB each itemÿ¼þ)


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